Thursday, August 6, 2009

Stop The Plot

As you may be aware, there is a growing movement towards freedom and responsibility and away from backroom deal-cutting and plot-making. This movement has captured the imagination of people on both sides of the political spectrum. Good ideas transcend traditional boundaries.

Key to our success will be transparency. If we want change, we understand that mere slogans while continuing with business as usual is a slap in the face of the public trust - something which we do not welcome.

Change is seen in results, not in self-congratulation and gamesmanship. We set high standards for ourselves because we understand in order to bring about change, we must earn trust within our community. This trust forms the basis from which we move forward as reliable sources of information and as erstwhile advocates of reform.

Please join in this effort by contributing your own ideas and suggestions to making the government work for us - instead of we for them. Our troops overseas have given their lives in many cases in defending our country. The very least we can do is give them a government as committed to excellence and purpose as they are.

We know this has not always been the case. Leaders have lied. They've betrayed our trust and we, as a nation, have suffered for it.

The time has come for us to renew our faith in our system of government. But how? By demanding accountability where injustice now stands, by demanding answers where now there is an unsettling silence. Only by using the tools our founding fathers and the good Lord gave us can we hope to regain the trust lost by an overbloated bureaucracy that has run the ship of state aground.

With your help, we can achieve these aims. We can restore our faith in our founding father's vision of America. With your assistance, we can and we will usher in an era of responsible stewardship and wise leadership. We can stop out-of-control spending, we can stop endless borrowing to pay merely the interest on the debt nevermind the principal!

Our strength comes in numbers. By organizing together we can bring on real change, not loose change, not empty promises, not worn-out slogans. Together, we can and we will listen to America's heart, feel what she is feeling, and respond to the missing sense of security and wise leadership she is asking for. We can and we will defend her. We can and we must stop the plot!

Blake Austin